[ExI] rugged individualists

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Thu Jul 14 20:49:39 UTC 2011

On 7/14/2011 3:26 PM, Kelly Anderson wrote:

> Every year since 1999 when I paid $502,000 in federal income tax,

Good grief. What follows might be regarded as a rude question (but you 
did volunteer that information):

How did this happen? Was it cumulative non-paid tax over many years? 
Does it include some monstrous IRS fine? Did you make more than million 
bucks that year? (I gather that the top tax rate on regular income that 
year was 40%, and 20% on capital gains, which seems to imply that in 
1999 you still managed to keep more money than I've ever made in my 
life, aside from selling my home and buying another with the proceeds.) 
Tax of half a mil in a single year seems a bit inconsistent with your 
woes about living on the street, etc.

If this *is* an outrageously personal and offensive question, my 
apologies and please ignore it.

Damien Broderick

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