[ExI] rugged individualists

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Fri Jul 15 03:47:41 UTC 2011

Damien B wrote:

>  This is certainly inequitable, but I gather that (in TX at least, 
> and perhaps elewhere) the size of the tax depends on how many 
> claims have been made by previous employees, and since you have not 
> claimed against yourself I surmise that this tax might be a small 
> portion of one percent. Annoying, and arguably unjust, but perhaps 
> not overly onerous?

Spike was arguing it's insurance. At least for me it's not.

The tax now caps at $444 per employee per year. It drops every year if
you don't have claims. But if you stop having employees for a while,
they'll close your account, even if you remain in business. When you
hire again, you start back at the then-prevailing starter rate.

And, like a lot of other government forms for businesses, they want the
paper every quarter, whether you owe them or not, and there's a
penalty if it's late.

(Aside: Just got back from the first evening of Readercon. You'd
have enjoyed Barry Malzberg expounding on Scott Meredith and
John Campbell.)

-- David.

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