[ExI] Readercon

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Fri Jul 15 11:04:21 UTC 2011

Damien B wrote:

>That's the best sf con I ever attended (just 
>once, about 15 years ago) and I keep meaning to get back there.

It's the one I go to most often. It's near, cheap, fun, has the highest
ratio of pros to fans, and is exclusively focused on the written word.
Some years I'm feeling grouchy (± busy ± poor) and am not in a
mood to go; then I look at who'll be there. I see over a hundred
people I know, force myself to go, and have a great time.

It's tiny compared to a Boskone or Westercon but it's reached the
point where many people fly in. I just saw a friend from Oregon;
Charles Platt is coming in today on his way back from Scotland.

>Barry published a pretty scathing piece in F&SF 
>on the vile "Scott" Meredith "business"/scam and 
>I've discussed it with him. I got ripped off by 
>the SM Agency when I was young and foolish.

It was a panel chaired by David Hartwell, with Barry, Eric Van, and
Gordon Van Gelder. Eric and Gordon got about two sentences in.
Barry did 80% of the talking, David filled in the rest. A hoot.

Then Barry, Gordon, Scott Edelman, (someone who's name
I missed), and I moved on to Campbell and Disch in the hallway.

B.K. DeLong replied:

>Good grief. I keep hearing about this Con from 
>many of my circles and it's right in my 
>backyard. Guess I need to really start going.

Well, come on down! The con hasn't even started. (Thursday is
a free night they added.) Say hello if you spot me. Navy sports
jacket, curly brown hair, lip caterpillar.

-- David.

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