[ExI] Wind farms - New and Improved
spike66 at att.net
Sat Jul 16 13:56:54 UTC 2011
>... On Behalf Of BillK
Subject: [ExI] Wind farms - New and Improved
>...This research indicates that the familiar lines of propeller type wind
farms are doing it all wrong. Vertical axis turbines generate 6 to 9 times
the power for a given area as they can be clustered close together. The
clustering actually helps the power generation.
Excellent, thanks BillK. These types of generators also look to be more
compatible with wildlife, less likely to swat birds all over the place. A
wind turbine farm is noisy as all get out too. Perhaps these are quieter?
Where can we get data on reliability, cost per kW-year, service life,
maintenance costs, etc? They might also be more compatible with collocated
One of the problems I thought of with the horizontal shaft turbines is that
they would be vulnerable to terrorists and Luddites. Some determined bird
lover could fly over the installation in a Cessna with a thirty ought six,
put one hole through and through, oil leaks out, gearbox seizes or catches
fire, loss of unit. One person could do millions of dollars damage, and she
might not even be caught. I am surprised this hasn't happened already.
The vertical shaft turbines look a lot more robust against those who hate
electric power and civilization in general.
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