[ExI] Libertarianism wins again...

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 17:15:38 UTC 2011

2011/7/20 Will Steinberg <steinberg.will at gmail.com>

> Why is libertarianism in Extropy's DNA?

I am certainly not in the position to say what is or is not in Extropy's
DNA, but let me rephrase this assumption in a perhaps more palatable form:

"In the Extropy mindset an especial, albeit not exclusive, attention has
always been devoted to possible solutions that take into account the chance
that spontaneous competition amongst, and economical behaviours of,
individuals and groups might be more effective in delivering desired results
than top-down coercion".

This is simply a factual claim, and one that sounds highly plausible to me,
on the basis of what I have read sofar and of my direct experiences of the
exchanges in this list.

Stefano Vaj
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