[ExI] Rejecting Socrates/was Re: Libertarianism wins again...
Brent Allsop
brent.allsop at canonizer.com
Tue Jul 26 14:55:56 UTC 2011
Are you kidding me? Are you a transhumanist? Have you not heard,
many times, of the advice of people like Kurzweil about the perils of
thinking linearly, instead of exponentially? I suppose you think
beings in 2500 years, with shared matroshka brains, and more, will
have at most 10 to 20 or so people in their intimate social family
circle, only about 100 to 200 people in their extended social,
business, and religious circle, and on the order of 1000 to 2000
people in their historical and general knowledge of all historical
people they’ve learned about? How many fingers and toes do you think
they will all have? This is just primitive clueless monkey thought.
Have you considered how many direct descendents we’ll have after 2500
years, that would not have existed, if it were not for you and I, and
this conversation we are now having? Will they not all know every one
of the people we ever talked to or interacted with, in more intimate
detail, than even you can now manage to remember? I bet all of them
will get quite a chuckle, for an eternity, out of you having said this
here and now! ;)
Every last mortal human that ever existed, from Socrates to you and I,
is going to be worshiped as one of the very rare and very few mortal
creators, and their entire lives, known intimately. We will all be
one of the very few beings that created everything despite having
almost nothing and less than 100 years to work with. There will be
endless historical simulations where our descendants will be reliving
and playing with each and every one of our lives – including details
of your early life that even you have already long since completely
forgotten or misremembered. They will be simulating – what if great
great^8 grandma had made this decision to support that
person/religion/political party, instead of this person, and on and on
in infinitely more detail than we can manage to grasp. Every minor
bit any of us contributed to the creation of heaven will be infinitely
known, valued, and fully paid back with significant interest. Have
you not considered how every little trivial thing you are doing, now,
helping to create all that, including this conversation, is earning
you an unimaginable deserving reward in heaven?
As all of our descendants continue to grow exponentially, filling the
entire universe, and approaching an infinite number of social beings,
non of whom would have existed, if it were not for everything you did…
Kelly Anderson is going to be one of the few mortal creators, to which
all of future society owes its entire existence to. You will be
worshiped as no less than God, one of the few mortal creator ancestors
- every last intimate detail of your entire life worshiped in awe, for
an eternity, by all.
Brent Allsop
On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Kelly Anderson <kellycoinguy at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/7/25 Will Steinberg <steinberg.will at gmail.com>:
>> I guess the right answer is...he said some good things and some bad things,
>> and it was very long ago as well so that's got to be taken into account.
> I will be utterly surprised if anyone remembers anything anyone here
> has to say in 2500 years, even if they do disagree with some of it.
> Unless we are still alive... then maybe we have a chance. :-) The
> number of people quoted daily that lived from 1000 BC to 0 AD can
> likely be counted on your fingers and toes. Socrates may have been
> wrong on many things, but the fact that his name is known at all today
> means that he was a very remarkable fellow.
> -Kelly
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