[ExI] No Moon Bases Needed

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 15:47:12 UTC 2011

2011/7/29 Kevin G Haskell <kgh1kgh2 at gmail.com>:
> if the Transhumans find a need to go the moon, then
> they will do so much more quickly and efficiently.

As far as evolution and growth and progress are concerned I have the
impression we are already living off our ancestors' legacy, as the
proverbial dwarves on the shoulders of giants.

Compounding that with the idea that we can leave everything else to
our *post*human successors seems hardly a *trans*humanist POV.

A transhumanist civilisation would mean exactly making the effort to
overcome our *present* limitations.

Stefano Vaj

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