[ExI] chinese ghost towns
pharos at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 13:25:57 UTC 2011
2011/6/3 John Grigg queried:
> I have fond memories of both Greg, super-Texan attorney, and Mick, our
> extropian truck driver! Spike, are you certain Greg moved to China several
> years ago? In his blog posts he mentions practicing law & being in the
> United States. Or would he be practicing in China on behalf of American
> firms?
A few minutes googling finds Greg's vCard which gives the Houston
phone number as a contact.
Greg Burch is head of the Firm’s Construction Practice Group and of
the Firm's East Asia Practice Group.
Locke Lord Opens Hong Kong Office Led by Internationally Recognized
REIT Attorney Brad Markoff — 1/24/2011, so Greg might have been over
in Hong Kong quite a lot.
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