[ExI] Newest, state of the art description of "Representational Qualia Theory"?
Brent Allsop
brent.allsop at canonizer.com
Sun Jun 5 23:17:44 UTC 2011
Lincoln, and everyone else,
I very much appreciate the efforts many of you continue to expend, on my
behalf, in my efforts to better understand qualia and how to talk about
A group of experts, including Lehar, Smythies, Raggett... are hard at
work collaboratively developing a new current state of the art statement
for the current leading consensus "Representational Qualia Theory"
camp. I've included the current draft of the first section of this
statement we've developed so far here for feedback. Lincoln, the
discussion we had yesterday on the way home for the SLC Singularity
Summat was very educational and enlightening about some of the problems
we still have with some of this stuff. I've encorporated some of what
we talked about in this newest version below.
Some of us people, who haven't been able to stop our brains from
thinking about this stuff non stop for the past 20+ years, often have a
real hard time writing this stuff such that normal people can
understand. Many people have often commented that the current version
(see: http://canonizer.com/topic.asp/88/6 ) makes no sense at all to
them, it just being a bunch of random words to them. So we desperately
need to improve this, and the below is an attempt in this direction.
Any feedback of how to better say any of this, or any problems with
this, would be of great assistance!! Any of you famed and accomplished
authors like Damien Boderick, care to rewrite any of it or get more
involved in this rewrite effort, or at least be willing to review all of
it for the benefit of everyone? If so, just let me know.
And of course, if any of you buy into any of this, we could really use
your help by signing this online petition, or joining the camp, to help
us continue to spreed this critically important information (or if you
still have a different POV, we desperately need to know that concisely
and quantitatively also.) Is taking 5 minutes to sign something like
this too much to ask of transhumanists, for the benefit of everyone?
You don't need to be an expert, or know for sure, it just has to be
reasonably close to your current working hypothesis, or way of thinking
about this stuff, so we can know, concisely and quantitatively, what
everyone currently believes, especially all the trans-humanist experts.
We've got to measure all this, as that which you measure will improve.
Brent Allsop
Representational Qualia Theory
Our working hypothesis is that a phenomenal red property or quale is not
a property of something like a red strawberry reflecting 650nm light, or
the initial cause of a perception process. It is, instead, a property
of the final result of a perception process. The world finally fully
realizing this will be far more significant than when everyone finally
switched from the working hypothesis of a geocentric solar system. This
full realization by everyone could lead to the most significant
scientific revolution of all time. The early significant lead this
collaboratively developed camp has ahead of all others to date is
exciting evidence that, at least for some experts and hobbyists, we
might have already made a great bit of progress towards a real
scientific consensus.
Information theory mandates that information or knowledge must be
represented by something. If you know something, there must be
something that is that knowledge. If you know lots of phenomenal stuff
like the redness of some strawberries, together with the greenness of
some leaves, and cognitive ideas about lots of other things like the
memory of how sweet the reddest ones are, there must be something that
is all this information, and it must be somehow bound together in the
same world of awareness we experience.
All information that comes to us through our cause and effect based
senses is done so in the abstract. This type of abstract information
suffers from a '''"Quale Interpretation Problem"'''. This problem is
why qualia are ineffable. The cause and effect way this type of
abstracted information comes to us by properly interpreting our senses
has three important related (dis) functionalities:
1. What this abstract information is represented by doesn't matter, as
long as it is interpreted properly.
2. Anything that represents this abstract information must be properly
interpreted to get the abstract information represented by it.
3. External abstractly represented information has no relationship to
any fundamental properties the media doing the representation may or may
not have.
This type of problematic abstractness extends beyond our senses into any
detection instruments, and includes all our current computational and
simulation devices. If you are going to represent information, you must
have some media which can assume distinguishable states. Abstracted
information being communicated someplace else is, by design, only
concerned about detectible and distinguishable behavioural local
properties of the media. Regardless of what the properties of this
media are, or may be like, the only relevant part is are you
interpreting these behaviours properly to get the abstract information
being represented. External abstract information has nothing to do with
what any of the intermediate representations might be fundamentally
like, either phenomenally or behaviourally. With the design of whatever
represents red in a computer, the only important thing is that whatever
is doing the representation should have possible differentiable states,
and that such differences be interpreted properly so a machine can pick
the red ones. How such interpretation is being done has nothing to do
with the higher level abstracted information processing and binding
simulation algorithms that are enabling the awareness of and the picking
of the reddest strawberry by the robot.
With consciousness, on the other hand, information is represented in an
entirely different phenomenal way. With consciousness, what information
is represented with and what this is fundamentally like, or experienced
as, is all important. In addition to mere causally detectible
properties, there must be something that also has these ineffable
properties we experience and know so well in our consciousness. These
properties must have some way of being uniformly distributed across the
entire brain and bound together and integrated with our cognitive
reasoning ideas about them, memory of such, and so on.
Properly interpreting abstract representations is a very local and
isolated process and only the local interpretation or transduction of
such is all that is important. With consciousness, such surely must be
distributed to many systems in the brain enabling all this information
to be bound together so we can experience the phenomenal difference
between red and green in different parts of the brain, the memory of
such, and so on, all at once. All this non local binding enabling us
the ability to be aware of the phenomenal and often motivational
differences, so we can want and choose the reddest ones while avoiding
all the green.
This theory predicts that if neural researchers are going to make any
progress towards explaining consciousness, they must have a clear
understanding that there is something special or ineffable they must be
looking for. They must understand just '''what''' to look for - qualia,
'''where''' to look for it - a property of a neural correlate, and
finally '''how''' to look for it - via effing the ineffable or some type
of repeatable and sharable binding process. The longer nuts and bolts
neural researchers ignore this special sauce, and only focus on
abstracted and incorrectly interpreted behaviour of neurons, they will
surely continue to make the glorious exponential success they are having
in about mere behaviour in this field, but the longer they will continue
to fail to achieve what could arguably become the greatest scientific
realization and discovery of all time: the discovery of the
relationship of these phenomenal properties we experience to the
underlying neural correlates. The discovery including the mapping and
sharing of all possible experiencable phenomenal properties to the
behavioural properties we already know so much about.
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