[ExI] Burzynski the Movie The Great Cancer Hoax

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 22:27:47 UTC 2011

I wrote:

"The current torture-to-death protocol of convention cancer "therapy"
could not be more perfectly designed -- hope without torture -- to
send the entire population of terminal cancer-victims stampeding their
way to Burzynski's clinic..."

What I meant in place of "hope without torture" was:" to promote
Burzynski's alternative: hope without torture".

Jeff Davis

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Jeff Davis <jrd1415 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yesterday, I watched the entire "movie", and it was very troubling.
> I'll probably watch it again.  Had my "skeptic's cap" on.  , it was
> clear what it was about: suppressed cancer cure or hoax, I was well
> armored going in.
> .............paused for a week to Google up Burzynski, read a little
> bit, and mull it over. ..............
> Okay, Damien, here's my take.  Burzynski's path in
> life/science/medicine has led him in to the eye of the perfect storm.
> If he were a total fraud, that is someone knowingly victimizing people
> with utter fakery in their moment of vulnerability and terror on the
> brink of the abyss, this would be easy: hang the SOB.  If on the other
> hand he had a wonder cure with one hundred percent (90 or 80. or 70 or
> 60 or 50 or 40 or even 30% would do) he would be feted by "the great
> ones", lofted on the shoulders of the glitterati, draped in laurels,
> receive the first Nobel prize for wonderfullness, and have babies,
> streets and, national holidays named after him.
> Unfortunately we live in the real world, where the good doctor's fate
> is more in line with that of Prometheus: to have his entrails
> perpetually gnawed on by harpies.
> Here's the deal.
> He discovered some chemistry with some unquatified anti-cancer
> potential.  He patented it and went about treating people, but did not
> choose to go through the FDA approval process, probably because he
> didn't have the money for the process, didn't want to wait years to
> help the people who desperately needed effective treatment, and didn't
> want to sell (to big pharma) his patents and with them the profits he
> foresaw arising from them.
> Then, as the movie shows, he ran into two of the biggest buzz-saws
> around: ambitious regulatory "cops" who kept getting snake-oil-ripoff
> complaints from citizens; and Big Conventional For-Profit Medicine
> which on one hand saw dollar signs in the mega-profitability potential
> of the new, Burzynski-owned cancer treatment, and on the other hand
> saw the looming threat of extinction to their already-established,
> massively profitable, torture-to-death-the-already-condemned-to-death
> cancer treatment protocol.  Their motivation for either stealing
> Burzynski's discoveries or driving him out of business, or both, is
> without precedent, and can be quantified in a single word: trillions.
> It's easy enough to understand the ravening wolves of corporate
> profit.  The bitter irony is to be found in the citizen complaints of
> fraud. (The movie didn't show it, but I conclude that the Texas Board
> of Medical Examiners and the FDA came after Burzynski because of
> citizen complaints.  Patients and family members who invested a lot of
> hope and money in the Burzynski "alternative" treatments, but whose
> loved ones died anyway, will inevitably conclude in their grief that
> Burzynski "scammed" them.  Which is to say that those who have lost
> loved ones AND money -- either their own or that they would have
> received from the loved one's estate -- are going to be looking for
> someone to blame.)
> Since Burzynski can't cure everyone, it's inevitable that he ends up
> with a large number of "dissatisfied customers".  The dead of course
> can't complain.  Not so the families of the dead.
> Finally, there's an interesting structural element here, suggested by
> the movie but not stated explicitly.  When the prognosis is terminal,
> a patient has three options: be pointlessly tortured to death with
> radiation and chemo, give up any hope and go home and die, or -- if
> you know about him -- go to Dr. Burzynski.  The current
> torture-to-death protocol of convention cancer "therapy" could not be
> more perfectly designed -- hope without torture -- to send the entire
> population of terminal cancer-victims stampeding their way to
> Burzynski's clinic had it been commissioned with Goldman Sachs and
> Knowlton and Hill by Burzynski himself .
> And the final condiment to Burzynki's entrails: he charges full
> American medicine prices for his treatments, with the painless
> invisibility of coverage by insurance is nowhere to be seen.
> Okay.  Done with that.
> Implied in your original question: is it real or a hoax.  I think the
> cured brain cancers in the kids shows that it's real.  Whether the
> down-regulation of oncogenes and up-regulation of tumor suppression
> genes is the mechanism,...well who but a researcher with a specialty
> in this area can say?  Clearly, more research is called for, and since
> this has been around since '76 (?), it seems  somebody has dropped the
> ball yet again.
> Best, Jeff Davis
>  "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
>                      Ray Charles
> On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
>> This is an intensely interesting (if rather manipulative) video--available
>> for free viewing until tomorrow. I would like to hear the opinions of
>> experts in this forum:
>> <quote>
>> In the 1970’s, Dr. Burzynski made a remarkable discovery that threatened to
>> change the face of cancer treatment forever. His non-toxic gene-targeted
>> cancer medicine could have helped save millions of lives over the last two
>> decades had his discovery not been criminally suppressed by the US
>> government, as his therapy, called “antineoplastons,” have been shown to
>> effectively help cure some of the most “incurable” forms of terminal cancer.
>> This documentary takes you through the treacherous 14-year journey Dr.
>> Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to finally obtain
>> FDA-approved clinical trials of antineoplastons.
>> <end of quote>
>> <http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/06/11/burzynski-the-movie.aspx>
>> Damien Broderick
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