[ExI] asteroid defense
Anders Sandberg
anders at aleph.se
Tue Mar 1 13:19:56 UTC 2011
spike wrote:
> To clarify, I was suggesting a temporary closing of the season on
> libertarian topics, not asteroids. Asteroid defenders, go for it.
> Libertarians, hold yer fire please.
Except for our privately funded anti-asteroid cannons, of course!
Some modeling aloud:
Consider the problem of funding an anti-asteroid mission by the "street
performer protocol" (
http://www.schneier.com/paper-street-performer.html ): it needs T units
of money, and people put in money in escrow until the sum t reaches T,
wherupon the plan gets implemented (otherwise, nothing happens). Each
individual i has a utility u_i (distributed according to the
probability distribution f(u)) of the project succeeding. They think it
is worth donating if the chance of it succeeding (both getting the money
and stopping the asteroid) times their utility is greater than the cost
to them. The cost is either the donated money if the project goes ahead,
or the loss of interest they could have gained from having the money in
their own account, if the project does not happen.
The "game" looks like this:
Happens Doesnt happen
Donate u_i-c -kc
Don't donate u_i 0
c is the amount of donated money, k represents the small cost of not
having the money for a while.
The chance of the project succeeding is a function of the already given
donations: P_i(t), which we can assume is some kind of sigmoid function
that has a particular asymptote P_i(infinity) corresponding to the
individually estimated chance of the mission succeeding, an inflection
point somewhere below T and a sharpness of the transition from "not
enough money to convince everybody else" to "enough money to convince
everybody else". The utility of donating is P_i(t)(u_i-c) -
kc(1-P_i(t)), the utility of not donating is P_i(t)u_i. Since the first
is always larger than the second, we have a problem - no rational player
should want to donate, everybody waits for everybody else.
How can this be fixed? The classic approach is to say the government
will do it. But governments are just like players in this game, and
hence China will wait for the US to save them, and so on. A
non-libertarian approach would be to add a penalty term to the don't
donate case: everybody who didn't get involved gets punished (maybe the
project drops small meteors on them). This is of course morally
problematic, but typical for governments trying to tax us. Removing k by
giving back the interest on the escrowed money doesn't change things.
What if k was negative? In this case you would get back more money for
showing your cooperation even if the project fails. Now it would be
rational to donate for some people, making t increase and thus enticing
more people to donate. People with k/(1+k) > P_i(t) would want to donate
- the people who think that "this cannot be done". If they are right,
they get rewarded. If they are wrong, everybody gets rewarded by u_i but
they get mildly punished for their pessimism. The nice thing is that as
soon as the total sum of donations start to increase, you can get
positive feedback since the optimists who think it can be done if enough
people donate will now start to think that it has a decent chance (they
are still rationally speaking irrational since they are paying rather
than being free riders, but we should recognize that there is a bit of
altruism in humans).
Imagine that you are a charity or company trying to make this happen.
You have your own etimate of P(t) and the distribution of people's
views. If you think people are *too pessimistic* about the feasibility,
then this strategy seems to be a very good one. You get the large pool
of pessimists to invest in the project (they are of course gambling that
they are right and you are wrong; assuming they are having normal
cognitive biases they will be overconfident), and then have enough
capital to get optimists to get in too. If your project fails you have
to pay kt extra back to the participants, if it succeeds you will reap
the rewards for the project (which can be more than just the utility of
saving the earth: you might have a designated profit margin of the
capital, for example).
[ A simpler model which is fun to play around with is just to assume
people pay u_i P_i(t), topping up to this level as t changes. I have run
various simulations of this. This produces a phase transition between
nobody/few pays and a lot of people pay as N increases, with a sharpness
dependent on the sharpness of the P_i functions. In fact, sharper
changes from "it wont work" to "it will work" increases the number of
runs where the charity fails even at high N. There is also a strong need
for early adopters: one can imagine people as a queue from most
pessimistic to least pessimistic. For every optimist that donates at the
right end of the queue, the boundary between non donors and donors tends
to shift a bit to the left. The above incentivizing of having
pessimists donate achieves this by getting a bunch on the left to donate
Depending on the settings of c, k and the other parameters the
incentivizing model also produces some nonmonotonic behavior. For
example, if c=10, T=100, k=-10% then for a small group everybody
donates, secure in the knowledge that the target will not be reached and
they will make money. As the group gets larger, the pessimists drop out
and the total funding decreases, until the group becomes so large that
optimists start to have an effect.
An important thing is that if c is small enough, then it is much easier
to get the transition to happen, again because of more early adopters
bringing up t. In fact, this might be a bit of a problem in general:
people will never pay if u_i << c, and given that proactive defense will
have low utilities (a one in 20,000 lifetime risk) donations might be
very small. ]
Any thoughts?
Appendix: a matlab script for running the sim
T=100; % money needed for project
for p=10:1000
N=p; % Run population size from 10 to 1000
u=1+randn(N,1); % utility of asteroid defense
Pinf = rand(N,1); % prob of defense working
theta = rand(N,1)*T; % inflexion point for prob estimate
g=1*rand(N,1); % steepness of inflection
t=0; % money collected
c=.21; % payment size
k=0.1; % cost of donating but not getting defense
while (t-told>1e-3)
P=Pinf.*(.5+.5*tanh(g.*(t-theta))); % how likely is success?
worthpaying = max(0,(u-c).*P-(1-P)*c*k); % what is my utility of
t=sum(worthpaying>0)*c; % pay c if it is positive
ff=[ff t];
plot(10:N, ff,'.')
ylabel('Total donations')
Anders Sandberg,
Future of Humanity Institute
James Martin 21st Century School
Philosophy Faculty
Oxford University
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