[ExI] libertarian (asteroid) defense

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 06:39:01 UTC 2011

After a couple of hours of fussing around trying to find asteroid
insurance, I am pretty sure nobody is currently selling any currently.
At least not online.

I did, however, find the following site:
Which even works sometimes. :-)

They are dedicated to collecting money to find NEOs. Thus far, they
have raised €2145.00 Euros with donations from 143 people. They
started in 2002. Unfortunately for me, this may show that the
libertarian approach to finding NEOs is not exactly working. Or, it
shows that these guys are really, really poor at marketing. Not
entirely sure which, but I rather expect *mostly* the latter. There
are only 19 sites linking to their site, many of which are from their
own sites. That is INCREDIBLY bad for a site that's been around nearly
a decade. They are more stealthy than a 5m asteroid in the Ort
cloud... ;-)

As soon as I can scrape 15 Euros together, it will be 144. I might
even link to their site, increasing their exposure by 5% :-) Maybe
I'll link to their site from Wikipedia... :-)

In all seriousness, they seem to have productively used the bit of
money they have  scraped together to support the SpaceGuard project.
(Funny, even spaceguard doesn't seem to link to them... sigh)
(I haven't been able to look at their site yet.)

Another fairly cool project is orbit at home, which is like seti at home,
but for NEO computation.
At least their web site seems to work pretty good... :-)


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