[ExI] Universally versus 'locally' Friendly AGI
Stefano Vaj
stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 22:51:38 UTC 2011
2011/3/7 Amon Zero <amon at doctrinezero.com>:
> Yes, I'm inclined to agree Stefano. It seems unlikely, barring a hard
> takeoff Singularity, that the human propensity for conflict and factions is
> going to suddenly disappear. A continuation of the current trend would see
> you proved correct, anyway.
My point is somewhat broader. Carl Schmitt defines "Politik" as the
critical distinction that determines who is a friend and who is an
enemy. This may be, and has been, a cultural, national, social,
gender, racial, linguistic, religious, distinction. Other distinctions
immediately become "relative" to that of political relevance, so that,
hypothetically, a black female gay buddhist capitalist neoKantian may
fight along a latino catholic etero male proletarian Nietzschean in
the US army against Saddam Hussein. And what it is of "political"
relevance cannot be said in advance, since it varies with ages and
ultimately arbitrary POVs.
Now, if we define AGI as the ability to pass a Turing test, such
feature should by definition shared by a totally artificial or
"emulated/uploaded" AGI.
What is then the reason why a Marxist android should by definition not
feel on the same side with human proletarians against human *and*
android capitalists, but rather as a member of an android class
against a human class? I repeat, in the Middle Age, was it French
cavalry against English cavalry or humans against horses?
I have no delusions that "us vs them" is going to get out of fashion
any time soon. Simply, I do not take it for granted that "us" shall be
defined our our running on silicon rather than carbon, à la
Terminator's, incredibly naive, scenario.
Stefano Vaj
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