[ExI] Extrope Robert Bradbury Has Died
spike66 at att.net
Tue Mar 8 03:29:13 UTC 2011
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of David McFadzean
Subject: Re: [ExI] Extrope Robert Bradbury Has Died
Here's how I remember Robert>>
Passionate, practical (and not very diplomatic :-)
Thanks David. Reviewing those archives from a mere ten years ago makes me
recognize that I had a much longer attention span in those days than I do
now. It is a little depressing: I see references that I wrote that I no
longer have any recall what it was. For instance, ten years ago I wrote:
Could it be? Is it Bob Reuben, the
computer wearing ultraorthodox Jew with an affinity
for expensive sports-oriented footware, who unlike
his lackadaisical namesakes, takes such an intense
interest in leading the congregation away from
tradition that he has been compared to an animal
with a contagious infection? Is this indeed
Rabid Reebokked Rabbi Robert Reuben?
Whaaaat in the heeeeeellllll?
I officially disown everything I ever wrote, and deny categorically that I
ever wrote any of it.
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