[ExI] shortening attention spans
Max More
max at maxmore.com
Sun Mar 13 03:52:19 UTC 2011
Spike: You post seemed really interesting, but I quite reading after the
second paragraph. Please keep it shorter next time.
--- Max
2011/3/12 spike <spike66 at att.net>
> A few days ago, someone posted archives from about ten years ago. I read
> through a few of them to remind myself what we were talking about in those
> days. Did anyone else here do that? That was interesting, but I noticed
> something that jumped out at me. Comparing the ExI-list to ten years ago,
> it is remarkable how long the typical posts were. Now we are so
> hit-and-run. Then we had a longer attention span.
> I was reminded of this when I read an offhanded comment in a movie review,
> an animated feature called “Mars Needs Moms.” A positive feature of the
> movie according to this reviewer is that it is short:
> …and with its splendid use of computer-generated motion-capture animation
> and 3-D effects, the movie is also visually magnificent -- modestly so.
> Plus, it's half the length of "Avatar."
> http://www.cnn.com/2011/SHOWBIZ/Movies/03/11/review.mars.needs.moms/index.html?hpt=Sbin
> So it isn’t only me. We want our media-streams to say it, make it short
> and to the point, and on to the next thing. Apparently Avatar could be
> improved by breaking it into two segments, charging for tickets twice, each
> half the length?
> I have seen this phenomenon in so many places, including magazines. I have
> 26 year old bike magazines reviewing my bike when it was new. I was
> astounded at how long it went on and on, for several pages. Today, even
> brainy magazines such as Scientific American and Astronomy have short
> crackly articles.
> spike
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Max More
Strategic Philosopher
Co-founder, Extropy Institute
CEO, Alcor Life Extension Foundation
7895 E. Acoma Dr # 110
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
877/462-5267 ext 113
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