[ExI] Bottom-up currencies

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Sun Mar 13 19:04:53 UTC 2011

Il 13/03/2011 6.52, Samantha Atkins ha scritto:

> On Mar 12, 2011, at 12:47 PM, Kelly Anderson wrote:

> I did at one time spend some energy thinking about a new in game
> currency where each unit is rigorously pegged to say 0.001 g of gold.
> The gold would be held by something equivalent to e-gold or GoldMoney
> and convertible to from various RL currencies with the customary gold
> buy/sell margins.  It has the advantage and disadvantage of drawing a
> lot of money into the game[s] that use it as a hedge against RL
> currency problems and as a play on gold.

A "virtual" cellphone carrier metering its calls in gold?
Get a credit of one or ten grams of gold and use it for calling or for
paying your bills or transfer the credit to another subscriber account.

What could go wrong, apart it be made unlawful immediately?

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*Mirco Romanato*

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