[ExI] Radiation in Tokyo and Rome
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Wed Mar 16 22:21:35 UTC 2011
On 03/16/2011 12:11 PM, Mirco Romanato wrote:
> (ANSA) - Toyohashi (Japan), MARCH 16 - Rome more radioactive
> than Tokyo. It 's the surprise of the analysis carried out by the team
> the Italian Civil Protection, consisting of six persons,
> arrived in the Japan capital today. The measurements made by
> technicians - say the Italian Embassy - give a
> radioactivity 'background measured on the roof of the embassy of
> 0,04 microsievert per hour. For reference, the value of
> 'environmental radioactivity' typical of the city' of Rome is of 0,25
> microsievert per hour. (ANSA).
Interesting article on environmental radioactivity and its variation at
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