[ExI] rebuilding a saturn v today

Jeremy Webb jedwebb at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 26 21:36:40 UTC 2011

This is funny,

>> ...  (Remember, it's been discovered that the Saturn rockets could not be
> rebuilt today, due to loss of knowledge and parts; you'd have to redevelop
> those entirely.  Same thing applies here.)

Your example team of people doesn't know aeronautics, get someone that does.
What's so hard to understand about cryo based rocketry anyway? It's just a
bunch of math ...
> I think it is safe to say most people no longer look to space as the final
> frontier.

A guess, I know astronautics is very popular with young people from my
research. I think the nihilsm that you are picking up means you are reading
up on the subject from people who don't know how to do it. If someone
managed this is the 60s then therefore it *must* be possible and anyone who
tells you that it is not possible may not be a suitable science and
engineering contractor for this job.

Anyway thanks for making me laugh out loud for once!

J. Webb

Jeremy Webb Heathen Vitki
e-Mail: jedwebb at hotmail.com

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