[ExI] Farmville for real
pharos at gmail.com
Wed May 4 16:21:54 UTC 2011
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Richard Loosemore wrote:
> However, a few small questions. How are you going to manage the chaos of
> 10,000 micro-lots, each with a different crop? Are you going to pay a
> sufficiently large number of mincome yokels to manage a hundredth of an acre
> of potatoes next to a hundredth of an acre of strawberries, and so on for
> all 100 acres of your land? Methinks that could break your budget in no
> time at all, even with the $200,000 per annum spigot turned full on.
> And how long do you think those amateur farmvillers will keep paying their
> $20 per year when all they get is (1) a decision point, when they choose the
> crop, and (2) a thumbs-up/thumbs-down at the end of the season, telling them
> whether or not the whole planting got eaten by eel-worms?
According to the UK pilot scheme, it is more like a majority voting
system for the whole farm, like a huge management committee. :)
The 1,200 acre site is home to rare breeds of sheep, cattle, poultry,
horses and goats and produces meat, eggs, wheat and oil seed rape.
Subscribers will be expected to make key decisions on which crops to
plant, which animals to buy and whether to put in measures such as new
hedgerows to help wildlife.
They will be asked to make 12 major monthly decisions during the
course of the year as well as other choices.
The options put to members will be within parameters dictated by
climate, legislation, and the requirements of the environmental
stewardship scheme which the farm is signed up to, as well as the
heritage protection given to the estate.
The MyFarm website will feature video updates, webcams, information
about farming and expert opinion and subscribers will also be entitled
to a family ticket to visit the site.
The point about the free family ticket is that the National Trust
usually charge about 15 USD per visitor to their properties, so that
is a valuable perk.
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