[ExI] Fwd: Announcing the Humanity+ Aubrey de Grey Advocacy Prize

Max More max at maxmore.com
Mon May 9 21:31:36 UTC 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Humanity+ <Humanity at mail.vresp.com>
Date: Mon, May 9, 2011 at 2:16 PM
Subject: Announcing the Humanity+ Aubrey de Grey Advocacy Prize
To: max at maxmore.com

 The main strength of Humanity+ has always been its membership. The members
of Humanity+ run the organization, elect leadership, fund projects, and help
advocate for the transhumanist cause.

Thousands of people worldwide already identify as transhumanists, but still
might not know how they can contribute to building a better future with
technology. That's why we're announcing the *Humanity+ Aubrey de Grey
Advocacy Prize*, which will be awarded this summer to whoever can refer the
largest number of new Full, Plus and Sponsor
July 1st.

*The Advocacy Prize includes:*

- Lunch with Humanity+ Advisor Aubrey de
a leading advocate for anti-aging
- A free pass to any 2011-2012 Humanity+ conference, including the
first-ever transhumanist conference in East Asia, this fall in Hong Kong
- Free Humanity+ Plus Membership for a year
- A free Humanity+ T-Shirt and
- A free transhumanist book of the winner's choice, along with a copy of
Aubrey's book Ending
- A page listing the winner's name and biography on the Humanity+ website at
- A personalized, engraved Lucite trophy

You can apply to win the Advocacy Prize today by emailing us at
info at humanityplus.org, or by filling out this easy
We'll send you free tips on how you can market effectively, tell people
about transhumanism and compete for the Prize. Apply today!
*Why Join Humanity+?*With the power of technology, humanity has come a long
way in the last five hundred years. In the future, we can do even more: make
ourselves younger, smarter, and happier, and solve age-old problems like
disease, poverty, and death that have vexed us ever since the dawn of
civilization. However, we can't accomplish something this ambitious alone.
By joining Humanity+, you show your support for a world where we do not shun
new technologies - like those who opposed the use of anaesthesia in surgery
- but use them and develop them in an ethical way, to improve our lives and
enhance our brains and bodies.

There are many benefits to membership in Humanity+. As a member, you become
part of a community of transhumanist thinkers that includes some of the most
revolutionary minds of the last twenty years, such as Aubrey de Grey, Max
More, Patri Friedman and James Hughes. To encourage discussion among this
community, we have created a Humanity+ members-only mailing list at

Humanity+ is a democratically run organization, and the Humanity+ membership
has ultimate decision-making power, since they elect the Board of Directors.
Those who are interested can also take advantage of their Membership by
running for a Board seat. Our next Board election is scheduled for January
of 2012; to register to vote, members can go to
click "Join This Group!".

We at Humanity+ also try to support and encourage the development of local
transhumanist communities. Once you join Humanity+, we will be able to put
you in contact with the transhumanists and Humanity+ chapters in your local
area, as well as inform you about conferences or other events nearby. We
sometimes arrange for Humanity+ members in a certain area to get discounts
to events; if a Humanity+ chapter, affiliate or other transhumanism-related
group is holding an event you'd like to attend, just ask us at
info at humanityplus.org.

Most importantly, joining Humanity+ will show the world that there are lots
of people who think that we can do better, that the current world is not the
best that we can do, that there is room for improvement and that many human
problems are solvable. Join
show your support.
*What Do My Membership Dollars Support?*It's been an exciting year for us at
Humanity+. Our December conference at
a big success, and was mentioned in a TIME Magazine cover story. Our
conference at Parsons<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?Humanity/0fb3236ac6/2e889f3fe6/7c6aacb065>will
feature luminaries like public relations pioneer Howard Bloom and
digital artist Scott Draves. We've gotten lots of cool new people on board,
and are now hosting the Gada
a $20,000 prize for better 3D printing technology. Ben Goertzel, our
Chairman, also presented at Peter Thiel's Breakthrough Philanthropy
the world's premier gathering for radical, technology-based charity to
improve the human condition.

However, all of these things cost money - for web hosting, for travel, for
food, for fees and taxes and prize funds. As a nonprofit, we recognize that
without our donors and members, none of these things could have happened. We
have some amazing people on the Humanity+ team, but at the end of the day,
things can't get done without the funding to support them. By joining
Humanity+, you help provide critical funds to support projects like H+
Magazine <http://cts.vresp.com/c/?Humanity/0fb3236ac6/2e889f3fe6/d32d4d8219>,
Humanity+ conferences, the Humanity+ newsletter and H+ Press. The more
people join, the closer we also get to launching these four, revolutionary
new projects:

- Development of a new, open-source DNA synthesis machine. Current synthesis
machines cost tens of thousands of dollars, and each gene then costs about
$300 per thousand base pairs. By using new technology to design a more
efficient synthesizer, and then putting the blueprints online, we will allow
anyone to test new ideas in genetics and biology for less than a tenth of
the current cost.

- New computer vision software for the OpenCog AI
This software will allow OpenCog AI to control and experiment with physical,
real-world robots, in addition to virtual characters.

- A Humanity+ conference in Hong Kong this November. This will be the
first-ever transhumanist conference in East Asia, and will help bring ideas
which have primarily been developed by Western thinkers to over two billion

- A high-quality, professional overhaul of the Humanity+
An organization's website is the face it presents to the world, and a better
website will enable us to get more support for transhumanism and the power
of technological progress.

To support Humanity+ financially, join
a Plus or Sponsor member. In addition to the benefits of Full
above, you'll receive a free transhumanist book of your choice, as well as
heavily discounted or free tickets to all Humanity+ events. If you are
interested in giving Humanity+ a one-time donation, contact Humanity+
Executive Director Tom McCabe at thomas at humanityplus.org; all donations are
100% tax-deductible. We personally thank you for your contributions to the
transhumanist cause, and hope that we can move forward together in ensuring
a bright future for humanity.

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Max More
Strategic Philosopher
Co-founder, Extropy Institute
CEO, Alcor Life Extension Foundation
7895 E. Acoma Dr # 110
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
877/462-5267 ext 113
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