[ExI] Cephalization, proles--Where is government going?

Rafal Smigrodzki rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com
Wed May 11 03:23:32 UTC 2011

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Will Steinberg
<steinberg.will at gmail.com> wrote:

> I come from Pennsylvania, where recently where has been a big scandal
> about 'fracking'--fracturing underground rock with high pressures to
> get natural gas.  It messes with our water table and whatnot.  The
> only barrier to things like this is regulation--the companies are
> simply too evil to comply with anything that does not produce profit.
> Libertarians forget that in their ideal society there might be no EPA
> or secretary of agriculture or any of the small things people forget
> about but also need.

### I happen to work now temporarily in Williamsport, PA, where
frakking is the big hope for the future. I see this whole controversy
as one of the most evil excesses of governmental regulation and
environmental hysteria: We have a true paradigm shift in energy
production, promising cheap, safe, clean energy for hundreds of years,
abundant sources of fertilizer to feed the world, and what happens?
The inventors and entrepreneurs who can make us so much better off are
being demonized, while the usual crowd of misanthropic enemies of the
future are howling in rage, trying to squelch progress before it takes
off, under the pretext of "protecting the environment", whipping up
the usual horror stories of ghastly dangers that await us if we make a
step forward. Of course, all the "dangers" are just theory, and poor
theory too, they are designed to trigger the fear of the unknown
("radioactive contamination of water supply"? Could *you* come up with
a better bugaboo to scare the masses?), or try to incite envy
("profit" and "evil" all in one sentence). A great opportunity for
enterprising bureaucrats to gain power and destroy human lives.

And I'd say: Down with the EPA! Burn every piece of regulation that
these creatures ever created! End the evil!


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