[ExI] helping older people

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Wed May 11 01:49:36 UTC 2011

2011/5/10 Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com>:
> Well, you don't need glasses.  Just lay the package beside your phone or on
> the smart kitchen counter and it speaks to you about such facts.  :)
> Print is so 20th century.

Yeah, there's almost no need for any of the packaging that tricks your
brain into thinking the contents are actually food.  Better to just
barcode the thing and let people's devices show them relevant

In fact, there's no need for the unfortunate prole to even GO shopping
- just let the food channel broadcast all the meals you could be
eating if only you'd press the "gimme some" button on the
touch-screen.  The store could ship boxes of nutrimush directly to
your smart kitchen - which would then deliver the contents as needed.
You get the immediate satisfaction of knowing you will have (at some
point) actually eaten the thing you purchased.  By the time you've
consumed it, you have no idea what it was anyway - so it needn't be
any good.

In all seriousness though, the microwave should be able to scan a
barcode, lookup the relevant details from the manufacturer of the
product(s) and provide the rest with minimal other effort.  However,
aren't the "old people" still buying mostly real food and cooking it
the traditional way?

VCR Plus was invented to make it possible for the average idiot to
record on VHS their favorite TV show.  By the time TV listings had
finally started putting VCR Plus codes on their listings, nobody cared
about recording on VHS (and TV listings)

Today we assume there's an app for nearly everything.  There's
probably also an app for finding apps - if there isn't, i'm sure
someone will write it before I can get around to it.   That's why
there are some apps we need but will never have.  :(

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