[ExI] Usages of the term libertarianism

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri May 13 19:11:55 UTC 2011

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 7:50 PM, Kelly Anderson  wrote:
> I know you're a smart guy Bill. Let's keep working this through. This
> isn't emotional for me, this is entirely rational. It is a very
> slipper slope that the socialists have pushed us down. We can and must
> climb out, or we will have no country at all very soon because all of
> the rich will eventually move to China.
> The problem with Socialism is that eventually, you run out of other
> people's money.

I haven't noticed much Socialism in the US.
>From a European POV the so-called US lefties are considered to be
rabid right wingers.   ;)

My view is that unregulated corporatism has bought up the government
and looted the US economy.

The problem with creating a wealth pyramid where the top .1% own
almost everything is that when wealth is so concentrated, the consumer
economy game stops.


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