[ExI] Rossi-Focardi device again

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat May 21 19:25:12 UTC 2011



From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Alfio Puglisi


>.look up nucleon energies, find *any* mysterious path from any marginally
stable nickel isotope to *any* marginally stable copper isotope, then come
on back and tell us what you found.


Here is my first-ever attempt at nuclear fusion, for which I assume no
responsibility :-) . Of course I took Wikipedia as the ultimate reference
for atomic masses.


Proton capture from nickel-64 (stable) to copper-65 (stable). I don't have
the slightest idea whether this reaction is permitted or not, but according
to my calculator:


Ni64 = 63.9279660

Cu65 = 64.9277895  

H = 1.007825032


H + Ni64  = Cu65 + 0.008001532


which corresponds to about 7.5 MeV of energy.


What am I doing wrong?






You did nothing wrong Alfio, and you get full points according to the rules
I suggested.  64Ni and 65Cu are both stable.  I had discounted that reaction
because 64Ni is less than 1 percent of natural nickel, but I failed to
actually specify that to start with.  If we ignore the physics of that
particular proton capture, the final material would still be nickel with a
trace of copper mixed in.  It would take some pretty sophisticated
qualitative analysis to even know there was 1% copper in that nickel.  My
mistake, I didn't include that part.  The description of the experiment said
he ended up with copper.


With regard to that proton capture, it isn't permitted under any rules of
nucleon mechanics I recognize, but the way I stated the question to start
with, that doesn't matter what I recognize.  If Rossi et.al. can demonstrate
it, I have a nucleon chart eager to be devoured with relish.


Ain't nuclear physic kewallll?  Once you get all the way down to subatomic
particles, physics actually gets relatively simple again.







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