[ExI] rossi on cold fusion
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Tue Nov 1 19:39:31 UTC 2011
Il 31/10/2011 22:50, spike ha scritto:
>> ... On Behalf Of Mirco Romanato
> Subject: Re: [ExI] rossi on cold fusion
> Il 30/10/2011 17:14, spike ha scritto:
>> <http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/10/reports-on-rossi-1-mw-october-28-201
>> 1.html>
>>> Suppose you have some kind of magic black box that you claim makes excess
> heat. You say you can create a closed loop device, but that
>>> you haven't yet, for you are not a powerplant guy, rather a nuclear
> physicist, so in the meantime you have your 500kW generator here...
>> ...Spike, I'm probably a techno-prole, but these?...Mirco
> Don't know how Mirco, but let me put it this way: if I am proven wrong and
> Rossi really did something like what he is claiming, everything I think I
> know about physics and chemistry will be wrong and it will mean the
> salvation of our fondest techno-dreams. I will be the happiest discredited
> guy in history.
I think this is a fine point, but I think it is wrong.
Rossi don't claim this.
The books you used to learn and your experience can be used to know what
work under determined settings, but if the setting change it could work
the same, could work differently or not work.
The problem is, often, you don't know what is different and what is not.
The nickel powders, for example, are not all the same.
They vary in size of the grains, in shape, in regularity of the
crystalline lattice, what impurities they have, and so on.
If you don't know what is significant, what will prevent a reaction from
occurring and what would help, you could go there, try to replicate the
experiment of Rossi and say "Don't work".
Think about the Cargo Cult: they think to have replied accurately what
the US Navy people did, but the great birds full of goodies don't come.
If they had a scientific mind, they could think they had disproved the
theory that big birds come when called and bring goodies.
But we know different. The Big Birds are flying around different places
today (Afghanistan) and bring goodies there.
But they come only when called by the right people, with the right
tools, under the right conditions.
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