[ExI] Tongues

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Nov 7 05:47:01 UTC 2011

>... On Behalf Of The Avantguardian

>...merely speak the "magic" words: ຕລົກພື້ນບ້ານ ນິທານພື້ນເມືອງ  ...What would *you* do?...Stuart LaForge

I copied it into Microsloth Word and noted that the font is DokChampa.  So I googled on DokChampa and learned that it is a font used to write Lao and Lao dialects.  So I posted the message to my Laotian neighbor, but haven't heard back.  Then I found a Lao dictionary online, but stopped it before it finished downloading.  I didn't see the sense in using up the disc space on something I would use only once:


My Laotian neighbor will likely reply tomorrow.  There are also a number of Lao chat sites where one could drop in and ask, but they require a login, and I decided it wasn't worth it for just one message.  Might get spammed forever from that one visit.

Besides that, my neighbor can even demonstrate the correct pronunciation.


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