[ExI] Launching Satellites from Airplanes DARPA
Adrian Tymes
atymes at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 01:36:38 UTC 2011
They're trying to improve on it.
Heck, *I'm* trying to improve on it. One of my side projects,
CubeCab, is to rip off and downsize the concept to launch
single CubeSats for a few tens of thousands of dollars. It
doesn't do any wonders for the per-unit-mass launch price,
but rather, by keeping the payload mass down, the total
mission price becomes affordable to a lot more players -
and the turnaround time becomes something they can
stomach, too: days or weeks instead of years.
2011/11/7 Dan <dan_ust at yahoo.com>:
> Isn't this idea already implemented:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus_%28rocket%29
> Regards,
> Dan
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