[ExI] REVOLUTION NOW! all-thing.org
Amon Zero
amon at doctrinezero.com
Thu Nov 10 08:49:17 UTC 2011
On 9 November 2011 23:49, Joseph Bloch <seculartranshumanist at gmail.com>wrote:
> 2011/11/9 Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com>:
> > Is that what you are saying Zero State is now, avowedly anti-capitalist?
> > Then I am very glad I left. This is despicable.
> Agreed. I'm glad they've stopped being coy about their true nature at last.
> Joseph
Well, I'd agree to the extent that I'm glad of a clarification. Far more
people who were already members of ZS seem to have agreed than I expected,
so in that sense at least it seems to have been a valid development.
I will just note that the word "coy" implies some kind of conspiracy to
hide an extant point of view. That's not really how this has been at all.
Rather, it was much more a case of I and others holding certain points of
view, having others (notably Samantha) pointing out that many of these
views were/are not compatible with various forms of Pro-Capitalism, and
conceding the point. Eventually it turned out to be easier to say we were,
what other people told us we were.
- A
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