[ExI] Monetary Evolution Now! was REVOLUTION NOW!

Amon Zero amon at doctrinezero.com
Thu Nov 10 10:39:07 UTC 2011

On 10 November 2011 10:29, Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com> wrote:

> I fear constructive discussion between people hormonally attached to
> their obsolete political memes is impossible and a waste of time for
> all.
> I think dialogue between reasonable libertarians and socialists is
> possible, but dialogue between zealot gun-loving sociopaths who want
> freedom for their group and oppression for others, and zealot
> nanny-state control-freaks and thought cops who want to control the
> life and mind of others, is not.
> We should build a new political system for reasonable free agents in a
> reasonable and open society. It is a very difficult task, but very
> worth.

Yes - I agree. Tricky, but worth a shot. The tricky is to keep the meme,
and the associated label, as simple as possible.

So... starting with what we have on the table:

The idea is that some part of the body politic has become malignant. Today,
that part appears to be Capitalism. That doesn't mean that Capitalism is
*necessarily* bad, or presuppose what we mean by Capitalism, but it does
emphasise the idea "Something's wrong and we demand a solution to the

Do we agree on this much, as a starting point?

I know that it's not radical enough for at least several people on this
list, but let's try to go for a modest common point, at least to begin
with, and see where that gets us...
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