[ExI] Capitalism, anti capitalism, emotional arousal
John Grigg
possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 07:03:41 UTC 2011
Spike wrote:
Cops know they can’t punch out the crazy homeless guy. But the OWS people
are not cops, nor are the OWS makeshift security team.
Spike, only the decent and professional cops would treat the crazy homeless
guy with restraint. But there are many who are not professional and
law-abiding, as has been proven with the numerous physical assaults on
peaceful OWS protesters. And even when these cops get their criminal
behavior recorded, they STILL get away with it! At worst, they get their
hands slapped. A criminal with a badge is the worst kind...
I hope that the OWS generation can hang onto their passion for a better and
less corrupt world, so that when they are the average age of the Tea Party
folks, they will still want to lawfully agitate for change. I am on the
whole proud of the OWS folks, because our nation is drenched in apathy and
ignorance that allows the rich and powerful to basically do what they
please in terms of exploitation and rigging the system, thereby enabling
themselves to pillage our nation's financial future.
A day of reckoning will come, as America has to eventually deal with the
ramifications of global warming, an end to cheap oil, insufficient
funding of basic scientific research, massive financial exploitation by the
elites, the hunting of terrorist boogeymen and the weakening of our
personal liberties, wars that go on and on that soak up our national
treasure that so badly needs to be spent elsewhere, and the very
real political, espionage, and military threat of a China that wants to see
us secondary to them in all respects.
I know America has survived hard times in the past to come out the stronger
in the end, but I shudder to think about the probable suffering of so many
as we procrastinate dealing with these extreme challenges. I dearly hope
my fellow Americans can find common cause and work together successfully to
solve these titanic problems.
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