[ExI] Money and Human Nature (was Re: Capitalism, anti capitalism, emotional arousal)
Stefano Vaj
stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 15:06:19 UTC 2011
On 12 November 2011 18:07, The Avantguardian <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com>wrote:
> I would never suggest abolishing money altogether. The only way I could
> envisage it even being possible is a giant barter matching database that
> matched sellers to buyers and allowed multilateral trades.The website on
> the Internet would Ebay and Amazon together to shame. Of course I would
> still certainly miss greenbacks.
I took the time yesterday night to watch *Money as Debt* parts II and III
on Youtube, and while not much of their content is revolutionary news, most
of it is explained in a very straightforward, concise and constructive way.
There are a few unrequired subtly anti-transhumanistic hints ("limits of
growth", etc.), but besides that I think that the issues debated there may
be much more crucial to our future than the tired and largely outdated
discussion "Adam Smith vs Karl Marx" which may still haunt many of us but
increasingly sounds as the Pope vs the Emperor to most ears.
The entire series is highly recommended, IMHO, including for the (few)
parts that deserve some criticisms, if anything for the effort of thinking
out of the box.
Stefano Vaj
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