[ExI] Money and Human Nature (was Re: Capitalism, anti capitalism, emotional arousal)
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Thu Nov 17 13:36:13 UTC 2011
Il 14/11/2011 03:02, John Grigg ha scritto:
> Kelly Anderson wrote:
>> Even the Spartan warriors could not exist without the money that was
>> exchanged by the underclasses.
> And as Sparta gained more and more military successes, ultimately
> defeating Athens (at least for a time), wealth flowed in that deeply
> "corrupted" the philosophy of life/lifestyle the Spartans had embraced
> for centuries. They had before heavily frowned upon major consumer
> consumption and materialism, with the exception, up to a point, of the
> king(s) and their family & entourage. But due to all the war booty and
> tribute given, you could now easily see which Spartan individuals and
> families were among the powerful, due to all the many fancy possessions.
The Spartans defeat against Tebe was the effect of the low birthrate of
the Spartan women that, with they men out at war so long found that
childbearing was not so satisfying than managing and working for themselves.
In few years, with a low birthrate, high infant mortality and continuous
wars, the number of Spartans males fell 90%.
There are many lessons to learn from the Spartans. One of these is that
stopping to breed is not good for the future welfare.
Do anyone know if there is out there any (X)prize for creating the first
artificial working uterus able to bring a gestation at term with a
healthy baby?
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