[ExI] Avon's latest
Amon Zero
amon at doctrinezero.com
Thu Oct 13 17:23:33 UTC 2011
2011/10/13 Stefano Vaj <stefano.vaj at gmail.com>
> I do not claim to have made any extensive research on the subject, but I
> suspect that in Italy most people who are not bioethically aligned to the
> Catholic church do make a difference between "eugenics", which they are
> likely to consider simply a research field such as "ecology", and
> "eugenism", which they are likely to consider as the naive and rather
> ridiculous idea of the US in the 20s that any problem can be solved with
> repressive eugenic measures (see the legislative bill in the state of
> Missouri regarding the sterilisation of car thieves that I mention in my
> book on biopolitics at http://www.biopolitica.it!).
That's interesting... I can't readily imagine any significant minority in
today's Anglo-Saxon world having such a nuanced view of things...
- A
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