[ExI] What's the fastest language to speak?

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Oct 17 16:03:33 UTC 2011

>... Behalf Of The Avantguardian
Subject: [ExI] What's the fastest language to speak?

>... In your opinion, what language is the most information dense and
fastest to speak...

Stuart LaForge

Interesting question, one that in entirely testable.  We would need polyglot
volunteers, and I know we have a few here.   Speculation: the answer depends
entirely on the topic of the text.  

I am one of those English-only types, but even without a comparison
reference, I can tell English is not ideal for seducing one's sweetheart.  I
don't know much Spanish (only what I have learned from living in California)
but I can listen to Spanish love songs on the radio and assure you, those
sound right for the purpose for which they were intended.  Compare modern
English popular music to modern Spanish popular music.  Which one sounds
like a man singing songs expressing feelings for his sweetheart? 

Now ask, which is the better language for describing some engineering topic?

Of course, all spoken languages are too slow compared to written text.


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