[ExI] More Trouble for General Relativity

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Oct 18 18:48:01 UTC 2011

>... On Behalf Of BillK

>...Unfortunately the alternatives to GTR produce a few right results and
get wrong all the many results that GTR gets right.

>Pity we don't know everything yet.  BillK

Whaddya, some kind of denialist?  Al Gore assures us that the science is
settled, that the scientific community is all with the consensus.


Ja, there's still plenty of physics that we don't understand.  For astronomy
types, you don't even need to stay up late at night or get up way before
dawn on a cold fall morning.  We have a star right nearby that keeps doing
things that thrill and amaze us.  After all these solar cycles, we still
don't have a good way of predicting the next cycle, or even a really good
reason why those cycles happen every approximately 11 to 12 years.  That in
itself is amazing as all hell when you ponder it.  11 years doesn't really
correspond to any natural frequency that I can see.

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