[ExI] suv hipsters

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 21:41:28 UTC 2011

Do you have video of the vehicle turning around, to get its license plate?

Do the local cops have software to recognize the make & model from the video?

2011/10/21 spike <spike66 at att.net>:
> Sorry for the non-tranhumanist post, but I need some help.
> We had a local burglary, and we have two good photographs of the SUV
> involved.  I am not an SUV hipster, but if there are any here, or know any
> good URLs which show a bunch of SUVs, I can match the perp with the
> vehicle.  This one is rather odd, so it will narrow down the suspect.
> Hey wait, I can help make this on topic.  We have a case where the
> neighborhood has a hidden video camera, and caught these bastards in the
> act, but video only.  We actually have photos of the perps, but the
> resolution is too low to tell us much.  The video of the vehicle is good
> enough to identify, if I knew my SUVs.
> Do feel free to contact me offlist, spike66 at att.net if you want to be an
> amateur crime fighter, or post here the lineup of SUVs.  This one might be
> 20 yrs old.
> spike
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