[ExI] ai application, was: RE: suv hipsters
spike66 at att.net
Sat Oct 22 17:51:21 UTC 2011
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of MB
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 10:04 AM
To: ExI chat list
Subject: Re: [ExI] ai application, was: RE: suv hipsters
>>... Looks like a Jeep Cherokee, to me. -Dave
>>... http://www.ajeepthing.com/images/2001_cherokee_history.jpg
>...Arrgh. I agree. I had to go downtown today and saw many SUVs, but the
only ones that looked right were Jeep Cherokee. Specifically there was one
parked next to me, a Grand Cherokee, Laredo. It had that same dark lower
section and the windows. Regards, MB
OK so here's what I did. I estimated the fraction of cars on the road which
would be white JZ Laredos. As a thought experiment, do that yourself, right
now please. OK have your number? Jeep Grand Cherokees are common, so I
estimated one in about 200 cars on the road would be a white mid-90s Laredo.
Then I drove out this morning with my clicky-counter and went around looking
for Jeep Grand Cherokees. Much to my surprise, I was at 1424 cars before I
found my first one, and well over 3000 before I saw my second. I went to
the places most likely to have older beatermobiles, such as Walmart parking
lot and the local wrong side of the tracks neighborhood where most of the
residents have converted their garages to living space or rental apartments,
so the chariots are parked along the street. In any case, I was over 5000
chariots by the time I arrived home, still with only two of this species
I would estimate that about 1 in 1500 or so, perhaps one in 2000 chariots on
the local street today would roughly fit the photo-description of the
perpetrators' chariot. By the way, do let me make it clear that it was not
my home which was burglarized, but rather that of a neighbor. In any case,
the adjacent city of San Jose has about a megaprole, and there are about 30
megaproles in California and about 20 megachariots registered in this
struggling state, so scaling that down, we can estimate about 700
kilochariots in San Jose alone, and if about 1 in 1500 is a white mid-90s
Laredo zeej, then we are looking at about 500 of them in San Jose roughly,
give or take a factor of 3.
If that is the case, and it had been my stuff stolen, I would damn well take
the time to drive around the neighborhoods of all 500 registered Laredo
addresses looking for one with a single whitewall tire.
Question: is there any way to create a public domain database of chariots
and correlate it to plate numbers, with a reverse lookup? We know the
constables can do this sort of thing, but they will not share that
information. Recall that the perps are their clients, and their reason for
having gainful employment. If we figured out a way to app every perp, the
cops would suffer a wave of layoffs, for their services would not be needed.
If we had a network of volunteer go around their own neighborhoods and map
species of chariot and its plate number, then we collect it all in some
common database somewhere, all volunteer, nothing illegal happening here,
then we have it. If such a thing existed, who here would volunteer to do
one street? Just note the chariots parked on the street and record the
plate numbers with a house number, then drop the info into an enormous
database somewhere? All we would need is a spreadsheet, with columns for
plate number, chariot species, address(es) seen, time of day, color, and
notes for distinguishing features, such as a bashed fender, one whitewall
tire, for instance
I sure as hell would do it. I would do 20 streets. How many streets would
you carmap? Why or why not?
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