[ExI] Article: Kurzweil Responds to Paul Allen about the Singularity

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 20:14:06 UTC 2011

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Eugen Leitl  wrote:
> As a periodic reminder for new subscribers:
> I run tt at postbiota.org (with RSS feed:
> http://postbiota.org/pipermail/list.rss ) for such kind of thing:
> http://postbiota.org/pipermail/tt/2011-October/009925.html
> Contributing subscribers are particularly welcome.
> Subscription (Mailman list manager):
> http://postbiota.org/mailman/listinfo/tt

Note: tt list runs at about 40 to 50 news items per week.

Eugen also runs other lists that may be of interest.
Some are news only, some allow comments.


List    	Description

astro 	astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, space news
biomed 	biology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, medicine
cryo 	cryobiology, cryopreservation of large biological systems
golem 	aggregator for selected news from golem.de
heise 	aggregator for selected news from heise.de
info 	        information, computation, nonlinear systems, alife, ai,
uploading, augmentation, singularity
nano 	nanotechnology, molecular manufacturing, machine-phase chemistry
neuro 	neuroscience and neurotechnology
Papers 	[no description available]
tt 	        transhumanist news, collaboratively trawled from the Internet.


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