[ExI] Beyond Human: Rethinking the Technological Extension of the Human Condition

Amon Zero amon at doctrinezero.com
Thu Sep 8 17:03:23 UTC 2011

Dear All -

In one month (Saturday October 8th) I will be giving a talk at "Beyond
Human: Rethinking the Technological Extension of the Human Condition" at
Birkbeck College, London, along with a number of other speakers.

The event is being organised by Humanity+ UK in association with the Virtual
Futures conference series and Zero State, so we'll see a full advertisement
from H+ UK shortly. In the meantime, here is a link to the (very) extended
abstract of my presentation, which in turn includes links to the H+ UK



All the Best,

p.s. Apologies for any innapropriate crossposting - I have included these
lists as places where people are likely to be interested in broad-strokes
commentary on transhumanism as a movement, and its relationship to society.
If you know anyone else who may wish to hear about this, please do pass the
message on.
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