[ExI] Automated black-box-based system design of unsupervised hyperintelligent learning systems

Amara D. Angelica amara at kurzweilai.net
Mon Sep 19 04:11:48 UTC 2011

Does anyone know of a system for automated black-box-based system design of
unsupervised intelligent hyperintelligent learning systems? 


Imagine a human as an alien spacecraft for which there is no information, so
engineers must use black-box analysis to reverse-engineer its design and
functions. Now imagine that human with the most advanced
self-tracking/monitoring systems imaginable, combined with instrumentation
for monitoring all of the imaginable external physical phenomena -- light,
sound, speech-to-text,  videos being watched, etc., and other people, all
recorded in multi-cam HD video and analyzed in real time (motion capture,
object detection, movement detection, etc.). Further imagine that this
system could systematically modify the environment (light, sound, etc.)
while monitoring the human's responses and that of other people and the real
world. The system would be compiling a massive realtime multi-yettabyte
database while running realtime testing routines in a bank of


Now how long do you think it would take such a system to reverse-engineer
human intelligence and function and pass a more sophisticated version of the
Turing test based on interacting with humans in RT/RL (real time/real life),
initially at say, fly level, then cat level, then working up to human genius
level and passing it, outputting advanced versions of itself. 


And is anyone developing something like this, or do I have to take off a few
days and develop it myself? OK, a few centuries.... I haven't found anything
on this except for Anders Sandberg's highly imaginative "Think Before
Asking,"  <http://eclipsephase.com/downloads/ThinkBeforeAsking.pdf>
http://eclipsephase.com/downloads/ThinkBeforeAsking.pdf, which touches on
some aspects of this. 


All ideas, especially skeptical ones (so I don't waste time on blind alleys)
would be greatly appreciated. 


Yes, this is a totally insane idea, but is it insane enough?




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