[ExI] Asteroidal mining was Nukes was less expensive energy

Dennis May dennislmay at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 21 01:05:32 UTC 2011

While I appreciate that large scale industrial
planning has its place I suspect it is far too early
to generate a lot of detail when basic experiments
in processing on the actual bodies has yet to
be done.
The history of space launches is full of simple 
technical failures and problems related to
things like friction, inappropriate lubricants, 
inadequate testing before launch, dust, loose parts, 
inappropriate seal material, growth of fungus, 
inadequate backups, unexpected vibration modes,
and communication problems.
If we were in a different economic and political
environment I would say think big and bold.
Unfortunately I don't think big and bold space
projects can be sold at this time.  Building up
from demonstrator projects seems the only
possible way to get things started in the near
term.  That means all remote and/or automated
processes at first and proving the technology.
Once a toehold is going larger and larger follow
on projects can be contemplated.
Keith Henson wrote:
"How do you propose to make iron-nickel dust?  How
do you propose to move it to the location you want 
to fuse it?  What energy source are you proposing to 
fuse it?"
Since I am taking about a small private venture I
would want to test several processes with each
launch.  Depending on what is found you have
the options of making and/or collecting dust/fines.
Plasma or lasers can produce fines, electrostatic
systems can collect and process dust/fines.  Lasers
can process materials as they are collected.
The first generation tests will be small and likely
solar powered.  Later generations would be nuclear
powered.  Eventually materials from space would
be processed to provide fuel for the nuclear power
Keith Henson wrote:

"I am trying not to be snarkey because if you really 
have good idea on how to do this, I would like to help."
I appreciate that you have contemplated larger scale
processes.  Once demonstrations and actual fabrication
from native materials has been done larger scale
industrial processes will be 3rd and 4th generation
A great deal of ground testing on processes needs to
be done before a demonstrator mining/fabrication process
is sent to low-g bodies for testing.  I would expect
several hundred smaller processing units over several
generations would be tried before ramping up to larger
scale processes.  The more that can be done ahead of
time on the cheap the less it will cost to move to large
scale production - since more of the starter material
will have originated in space.
Dennis May
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