[ExI] Faster than light??

Dennis May dennislmay at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 23 15:40:14 UTC 2011

John Clark wrote:
>If this experiment is valid (a literally astronomically large if) 
>then, unlike the strange correlations seen in things like the 
>Bell inequality experiment, neutrinos clearly COULD be 
>used for faster than light communication, you could send a 
>signal with them.
I would not be too concerned about any Earth shattering
consequences if it were found that neutrinos were found
to travel slightly faster than the speed of light - or other
means of signaling faster than light were discovered.
It would only mean that a variation of Lorentz Ether
Theory would replace Special Relativity in some
circumstances.  Tachyons and time travel would not be
a part of such a theory.  Standard LET provides the
same math and numbers as Special Relativity but it
can be adapted to supraluminal signaling - whereas
Special Relativity cannot.
Dennis May
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