[ExI] Is there a potential libertarianism / democracy tension?

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Mon Sep 26 15:08:52 UTC 2011

Kelly wrote:

>As to the lack of education of the American public, that is a failure
>of the school systems.

There are several things at play in the school systems.

The school systems are (among other things) successful at the goal
of inculcating views that perpetuate the status quo. A sustainable
libertarian society will require a critical mass of activists who either
avoided or overcame indoctrination (the American Revolution was
a minority movement), then enough success to keep from getting
tossed out, then generations raised to replace the great mass of
irredeemable nekulturny (we've seen across many instances that
people don't change, e.g., the maxim that science advances funeral
by funeral), and eternal vigilance.

Or a fresh start elsewhere.

I think a sea-based libertopia is doomed to fail (too inherently
vulnerable to outside force) but space-based might work.

-- David.

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