[ExI] Is there a potential libertarianism / democracy tension?

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Sep 29 17:39:14 UTC 2011

>> .... Libertarians -- well, true libertarians -- wouldn't want to get into
power, but to get rid of power. :) This is like saying, "When anarchist take
over the state..." or "When atheists control the church..."  Dan

>...In order to dismantle it, it helps to be in control - however briefly.
Otherwise, how are you dismantling it?  Adrian

No need to be in power.  The world's biggest governments are in the process
of dismantling themselves.  In the US, the government has forced its
citizens into an an unfunded pension program, then borrowed the money out of
it and spent it with no reasonable way to pay it back.  Europe: You Germans
need to work harder, so we Greeks can continue to sit on our alpha sigma
sigma epsilon sigmas and take longer vacations.  China: citizen work hard,
collect piles of paper currency from Europe and America, plenty safe

Governments will get smaller because their own policies will force them to.


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