[ExI] Is there a potential libertarianism / democracy tension?
F. C. Moulton
moulton at moulton.com
Fri Sep 30 01:28:11 UTC 2011
I would like to emphasise the point that Dan makes. Much of the recent
discussion has been on topics which directly or at least partially have
been covered decades ago in works like Anarchy, State and Utopia by
Nozick; and while I and a lot of others do not agree with it totally we
recognise the value of the work. For people really interested in the
topic becoming at least familiar with the basics is a good place to start.
On 09/29/2011 09:09 AM, Dan wrote:
> I wonder, since you claim to have been an anarchocapitalist (or market
> anarchist), why this is news to you. No offence, but this is like
> Libertarianism 101. I mean to say that people who first learn about
> libertarianism often ask just this question and any libertarian
> thinker worth her or his salt, such as Rothbard or even minarchists
> like Nozick, have already answered this. The core principle of
> libertarianism establish a boundary that others -- whether they call
> themselves the king, the majority, the people, the rulers, the state,
> the public interest, the nation, the government, the super race, the
> annointed of God -- cannot cross... Well, cannot cross and remain
> consistent with libertarianism.
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