[ExI] Product B

Kryonica kryonica at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 09:48:18 UTC 2012

On 11 Apr 2012, at 09:42, BillK wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Kryonica  wrote:
>> In his video Andrews stresses that tests had shown that telomerase activators (he quoted the 3 products
>> available, T65, Product B and one other) decrease the proportion of short telomeres in only a few months.
>>  The conclusion he draws is that the telomeres are shortened at a slower pace, and therefore that teleomerase
>> "activator is actually doing its job by protecting cells during cell division from shortening their telomeres.
>>  The mechanism is allegedly that telomerase activator activates telomerase and that consequently telomerase
>> adds a telomere to the chromosome during or after cell division to replace the one lost in cell division.
>>  And so the cell can divide without shortening.  If this is true, then one's next question is : does preserving
>> telomere length on chromosome keep one biologically younger?  Most likely is that telomere length is just
>> ONE aspect of ageing.  And actually Andrews says that but he does stress that it is an important one;
>>  so he takes his Product!
> If you do a search, you find that Isagenix is a typical MLM organisation.
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isagenix_International>
> Isagenix International LLC is a multilevel marketing company which
> sells products it says remove toxins and fat from the body.
> i.e. weight loss, skin creams, diets, etc.etc.
> And, of course, they want you to sign up so you too can become a
> millionaire selling potions.
> They are not illegal, but MLM companies have a severe image problem.
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing>
> Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales
> force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but
> also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of
> distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Other
> terms for MLM include pyramid selling, network marketing, and referral
> marketing.
> ---------------
> Their products will probably not damage you, except in your wallet.
> (About 400 or 500 USD per month for the rest of your life).
> After reading the pages and pages of carefully worded sales blurb and
> enthusiastic testimonials, you find in the small print that all their
> products include the standard disclaimer to avoid inspection by the
> FDA.
> "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
> Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
> or prevent any disease."
> Isagenix products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
> Administration as the FDA does not pre-approve nutritional or dietary
> supplements because they are regulated as foods (not drugs) under the
> Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994.[5] The
> FDA does monitor manufacturing practices and labeling for compliance.
> Isagenix does use products with an FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As
> Safe) certification if available.
> and Associates selling the product are ordered that they
> Cannot
>    Make medical or curative claims
>    Claim it reverses aging process
>    Claim it lengthens telomeres
>    Claim it induces telomerase (enzyme that can reverse telomeres shortening)
> -------------------
> I'd wait for some proper science reports before buying miracle vitamins.
> BillK

What arose my interest is the research done by Sierra Sciences.  They are not the same company as Isagenix.  Now I realise that Sierra Sciences have teamed up with Isagenix in order to market the product of their research and thereby raise funding for more research.  The fact that Sierra Sciences has teamed up with Isagenix says nothing really about other Isagenix products.  As far as I can tell Isagenix is just another company selling "life-extending anti-oxidants" that your greengrocer will sell you at a better price.  This does it disqualify Product B as such.  Product B could after all have been endorsed and marketed by another company, LEF for instance.   It may have been unwise to team up with Isagenix to market this product, but I don't think one can blame any R&D to look for ways of funding, above all today when there is still so little funding into anti-ageing products.  Product B is not a vitamin, but an enzyme activator.  I have never taken "enzyme activators" before so I was wondering if anyone had some experience in "telomere length preservation" :-)
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