[ExI] Finally!

Joseph Bloch seculartranshumanist at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 00:39:59 UTC 2012

On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Brent Allsop
<brent.allsop at canonizer.com> wrote:
> On 4/21/2012 2:55 PM, Alan Grimes wrote:
>> Google just confirmed that is the first time anyone has used that phrase
>> so therefore I don't know what you mean by that "phenomenal" adjective.
> I don't know what Google you're using, but I see the top hit in Google for
> "phenomenal uploading" being the canonizer camp that concisely defines just
> what it is, and which indicates how many people are in this, and the parent
> uploading is good camp.

I daresay he's using the Google that, when the phrase "phenomenal mind
uploading" is entered into it, only brings up this email thread,
because your original email was the first time it was ever used. That
phrase, not your redacted version, is what he was referring to (note
the inclusion of the word "mind" in there, which you had originally
used, and which you conveniently removed in your reply). And he is
correct. Nobody before you had ever used it. Whatever "the canonizer
camp" might think, nobody else cares.

> No democracy has ever gone to war against any other democracy.

That depends on your definition of "democracy". Does modern Russia
count as a democracy? If so, they certainly went to war against
Georgia in 2008, and both purport to have elected governments. Perhaps
your vaunted expert opinion consensus maintains the old canard you
trotted out, but fact contradicts it.

> What, you don't want to know, concicely and quantitatively,  when people
> think you're mistaken and your philosophy is bad, and how this is trending,
> according to all your chosen experts?  We created Canonizer.com, precisely
> because we want to have a place where we can fully communicate where experts
> think naive people are making mistakes, while still valuing what they
> believe, and if not fully supporting, at least doing all they can to not get
> in the way of anything you may want.  I may be saying you are wrong and
> imoral, but I'm still asking you to 'canonize' just what it is you still
> believe, so I can help you in any and all ways possible.

Once again you trot out that internet backwater as some sort of
solution to all the world's problems. There is a reason it hasn't
caught on. But I daresay you're too close to the problem to see what
it is. You live in a world of nails, and canonizer.com is your hammer.

> It sounds like you are saying you're going to try to do all you can to stand
> in the way of what the expert consensus uploaders want to do?  It seems to
> me it'd be much more productive if you'd just concisely state what it is you
> want, so us uploaders will be sure not to get in your way, and get started,
> with all the millions that surely share your passion, for getting what it is
> you want, rather thin spending so much time and effort fighting against us
> in such a fear mongering way?

I don't have a dog in the uploaders vs. non-uploaders debate, but I do
know that we could convincingly upload your personality to a computer
today. Just have it spit out the words "canonizer,com" into 50% of
every email thread, regardless of topic, and it would be a convincing


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