[ExI] Written for another list

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Wed Aug 1 09:18:45 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 10:09:51PM -0400, J.R. Jones wrote:

> We need space elevators, plain n simple*.

You need radiant power propulsion in order to lift
the mass for the elevators.

And you pretty much want to build the elevator on the
Moon first, not Earth. 

One of the ways to provide power is to build terrestrial
PV arrays which double als realtime targetable microwave 
phased array for line of sight vehicles (whether low-altitude
low-velocity or high-altitude high-velocity). You'd be charged 
for the time slot.

The additional expense for the added aerials and timing
circuitry as well as simple coils or capacitors (which would
double for power inverters) are negligible.

Not sure about the target spot. It's obviously far more
diffuse than a battery of solid state lasers groundside,
so more suitable for large low-flying targets.

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