[ExI] Welcome to the Future

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Wed Aug 1 15:18:34 UTC 2012

Max wrote:

>Stop trying to predict the future and focus on making it happen!

Keith replied:

>I try on such relatively simple topics as energy and carbon.  But
>working out the technical and economic details is difficult, tedious
>and seldom appreciated.  Few people here or any other place have the
>skills to be useful in such work, much less the more complicated MM3
>used for nanotechnology design.

While we do know folks who do work directly on extropian technologies,
and even some who've retooled their lives to acquire the skills to work
on the technologies that they deem most vital, I look at it as a matter of
comparative advantage.

I want Damien writing books, not designing propulsion. I'm a fair writer
myself, but I'm a better software designer than writer. And while I might
invent software that's directly significant to the future, I've long 
felt that the
most effective use of my skills is creating software that makes me
enough money to fund other people building the future.

-- David.

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