[ExI] Written for another list

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Fri Aug 3 07:04:55 UTC 2012

On Thu, Aug 02, 2012 at 11:36:37PM -0000, Eric Messick wrote:
> Keith writes:
> >The hard part is getting the cost of lifting hundreds of thousands of
> >tons of parts to GEO down to where power sats make economic sense.
> >Laser propulsion is the way to go.  That's only recently become
> >possible with large versions of the tiny laser diodes in CD player.
> So, you need a demo of laser propulsion.
> Here's a target for a demo: Miniaturized version of the laser stage
> hovering over a set of lasers for long enough for everyone to go
> "Ooooohhh..."

You mean like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightcraft
> Scale it for as big as you can manage with whatever money you can
> kickstart.

Above is what you get for that. Now what?
> I think if the right people are standing next to such a demo, along
> with the powerpoint detailing the ramifications, money will become
> available.

I suggest invest your money into nyan-cat propulsion. 

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